5 Terrific Tips for Assembler Jobs Newbies


Job Seeker Tips

How to Start a Super Career from Day 1

Assembler jobs offer good pay, great work environments, and good career prospects. You succeeded in selling yourself for the best assembler jobs. Now you need to continue to impress in your new job from day one – but how?

You want to begin on the right foot with your colleagues and employers. The first impressions you make can make you stand out as an employee to watch – in a good way. Doing so will make for a highly enjoyable and rewarding professional life.

In this article, you’ll learn the five things you should be doing from your first minute in an assembler job.

1.    Learn the Skills

The most important thing about a first day is to show initiative and dedication.

If you are new to the world of assemblers, it is important to learn some of the skills that will give a good first impression. You’ll be responsible for assembling products and doing quality checks, so you’ll need to be skilled and efficient, and maintain a high level of precision; assembling one part wrong can affect the whole product.

While you may receive supervision, you’ll make a great first impression if you show you’re dedicated, willing, and a quick learner, freeing up supervising team members.

Remember, however, that a good assembler is aware that safety is critical on the job. With moving machinery, sharp tools, hazardous substances, and electrical hazards, you must ask for assistance when needed.

2.    Learn the Language

Before you start your job, get your head round some of the jargon established assemblers use. You can do this by joining industry organizations or following groups, pages, and forums to research and familiarize yourself with an ever-developing assembler language.

When joining a company, an assembling team may have worked together for many years, conjuring abbreviations, nicknames, or language that helps them communicate faster and with accuracy. They know what they mean – and you must make sure you do. If you’re not sure, always ask, and ask about the meaning behind it if you can’t connect the link. That way, you’ll remember it.

Learning the language is an extra challenge you’ll need to adjust to at first, but worth the effort, and will strengthen your communication skills, team relationships, and career for years to come.

3.    Get to Know Your New Work Colleagues

Starting a new job can feel just like your first day at school. It’s daunting. At Coast Personnel, we always ensure our candidates are onboarded into a company culture that makes you feel at home. Choosing the right company is just as important as a company choosing the right candidate.

Be willing to help wherever your ability allows, and show team spirit in achieving goals together instead of solely on your own. Even small gestures such as making coffee will help break the ice. Such relationships will see support reciprocated, and your career advancement championed by your own colleagues who want you to succeed.

4.    Be Open with Your Boss

Today, companies understand that their leaders are there not to ‘boss’ as the name suggests, but lead. Your boss is there to support you, guide you, provide feedback, and help you carve a future within the company. For them to be able to do their job, you must tell them:

  • If you have any concerns or issues with your own work or a colleague
  • If you require their guidance and supervision
  • Your career goals
  • You’d appreciate feedback from them to help you learn and progress

Remember: help them to help you.

5.    Be Honest with Yourself

You can only achieve your goals if you’re always honest with yourself. Before you start your assembler job, clarify:

  • What you want from your career
  • What skills you have
  • Which skills you need, and how you plan to gain them
  • Your weak points both personally and professionally, and the tools you need to make them stronger

Start your career with a clear vision, and schedule self-reviews to reassess what’s changed, both targets and goals. Do this, and you’ll always achieve your maximum potential for a healthy, strong career.

Find the Ideal Assembler Job for You

Starting out in assembler jobs, you’ve got a lot of work to do – and even more to look forward to, way beyond the first day. Taking a panoramic view of your career path and applying these tips from day one will help you achieve a high-performing career amongst a supportive and well-wishing team.

It’s all in your reach. Submit your resume to Coast Personnel today and discover your perfect assembler job.