Electronics Assembly Jobs: A High-Demand Sector?


Industry News

Signs Are Strong for a Rapid Rebound

Electronics Assembly Jobs are hugely important to the economy of the United States. According to recent research from IPC, the sector supports more than 5.3 million jobs across the United States and drives around 4% of its GDP. Clearly, electronics assembly could be pivotal to the strength of the economic bounce as we come out of the COVID-19 lockdown – and early signs are encouraging.

Electronics Assembly Is a Platform for Jobs in the United States

The IPC study, released in early May 2020, found that more than 1.3 million people are directly employed in Electronics Assembly jobs and that each job supports three other jobs. The industry is huge for the economy, with the direct and indirect contribution amounting to 3.7% of American GDP each year.

The more jobs there are in electronics assembly, the more jobs there will be in many other industries. The country’s success depends upon electronics manufacturing, though jobs in electronics assembly are concentrated in 16 states. These include California (with the most direct jobs in electronics assembly at 275,000), Texas and North Carolina.

Well-Paid Jobs in Electronics Assembly Are Returning

COVID-19 decimated the economy, but signs are that the rebound could be sharper than many first thought. Against previous expectations, the number of jobs in manufacturing leapt in May. Between March and April, more than 1.4 million jobs were lost in the entire manufacturing sector. The decline was forecast to continue, but the trend reversed sharply, with 225,000 coming off the jobless number in the manufacturing sector in May. Of these jobs created, 119,000 are in the durable goods sector – many of these in electronics assembly. But it isn’t only jobs that are on the increase; wages and hours worked statistics are encouraging, too:
• The average number of hours worked in manufacturing increased by 0.8 hours to 38.9 per week
• Average workweeks overall rose by 0.9 hours to 39.4 per week, with overtime included
• Average hourly earnings stand at $28.9
In electronics assembly, the IPC has calculated that the average earnings are around $83,000 per year. It’s great news for the economy that these highly paid jobs are returning faster than forecast. Other economic data indicates that these highly paid jobs will continue to return – the one-month manufacturing diffusion index rocketed to 70.4 in May from 3.3 in April, indicating more jobs will be added as manufacturers continue to reopen.

What Skills Are in Demand?

Whatever the scale of the economic bounce, companies looking for staff may take the opportunity to seek to up skill their workforce. There is a skills shortage across the manufacturing sector, and those with in-demand skill sets are likely to find it easier to acquire high-paying jobs in electronic assembly work. Skills that are in demand include:
• IT skills, with companies keen to improve productivity through computerized processes
• Programming skills, with workers required to program and operate robotics
• Mechanical skills, with machine maintenance high on the list of priorities
If you have good problem-solving skills and the ability to spot issues before they arise and solve them quickly when they do, you are also likely to be in demand.

Don’t Get Trampled in the Rush for a New Job

The lockdown has given many people the opportunity to assess their working lives, and it has given many companies the opportunity to assess their employee needs for the future. Most employers in the electronics manufacturing sector now expect to bring back their workforce by the end of June 2020, though one in five have said they don’t expect furloughed workers to return.

We expect movement in the jobs market in the next three to six months, and many people may wish to look for a new employer. Whether you desire a new opportunity, or you don’t expect to be recalled from furlough, there will be increased competition in the jobs market. Don’t get trampled by other job seekers. Contact Coast Personnel today and take a leap forward in your Electronics Assembly Jobs search.